Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Futurama Comics 24

Futurama Comics 24
March, 2006
Cover Title: N/A
Cover Credits: Matt Groening, Bill Morrison, Mike Rote
Script: Ian Boothby
Pencils: James Lloyd
Inks: Andrew Pepoy
Colors: Colorbot 3000
Letters: Karen Bates
Editor: Bill Morrison

Twice Told Tales of Interest
Futurama Comic foray in to the tales of interest episodes of the show wherein questions are asked to the What If machine and we get to see the answers to these questions played out. While Bender is playing poker with Fry and taking all of his money while he sleeps, Leela breaks up the game to which Bender then takes the Professor's What If machine and builds a body with arms and legs so that he may play with Fry and the What If machine. After losing his trademark red jacket, Fry inadvertently asks the question what if everyday was X-Mas.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Futurama Comics 23

Futurama Comics 23
February, 2006
Cover Caption: Hey Meatbag! Buy This Comic or Back Off!
Cover Credits: Matt Groening, Nathan Kane, Mike Rote
Script: Ian Boothby
Pencils: John Delaney
Inks: Andrew Pepoy
Colors: Colorbot 3000
Letters: Karen Bates
Editor: Bill Morrison

The A Team
While making a delivery Bender takes control of the ship and begins to do space donuts which opens up a vortex allowing what first appears to be an alternate universe PE team through but turns out is actually one of the original delivery crews for Professor Farnsworth that was thought lost long ago. During their exile in the vortex the crew decide to spend their time wisely and better themselves to make them better people and or robuts. As they are a top notch flight crew it is decided that the current delivery team is no longer needed, their career chips are removed and they are stained with the moniker of 'non-person'.