Friday, September 6, 2013

Target New New York Fan Art Progress

OK, so after many a long year of enjoying the comics and the show and the occasional criticism of various directions and decisions with both I have finally decided to put up or shut up and create my own visions of the Futurama universe and what I think they look best in. I am currently working on about three different scenarios and each has their own story to tell and the finished products will each be different. I apologize for the light scans but I typically work out much of the details with blue pencil and then go over and refine a bit with an H pencil and since this would be intended to be brought in to Photoshop to be painted I am not overly concerned with finished line work. In addition these are rough sketches and is me trying to figure out some of the problems and solutions and quite frankly just trying to depict the characters in a somewhat competent way.

This is one of the first ideas that I had and it is based on an old science fiction poster that I found (I love that stuff and wish more stuff paying homage to the classic genre were produced) and am reworking to contain Futurama characters. These are some of the sketches and ideas that will be represented in the final work. First up, Fry and Leela:

I struggled with these two as the original poster had a different pose and different set of action. I originally tried to duplicate the original poses but found that it lacked something particularly with Fry and Leela. It worked for the original movie poster but didn't think it worked well for Futurama so reworked to have Leela and Fry be struggling to get away from the menace that is to come. Originally I had Fry lying almost comatose in Leela's arms as she carried him off as in the original but as I said it just wasn't doing much for me so revised it to have them more helping each other but still have Leela as the strong one which I feel is within character of the show.

This initial sketch was to get an idea as to what it might be and I like it much better. From this I have already reworked and refined to get Fry's pose better but I liked Leela so will be working this around the new Fry.

While there are other elements of the final product that I am still working on that may see the light of day another element that I am adding that the original movie poster did not contain is the image of the Planet Express ship bolting the Earth as invasion is about to begin. I have never thought to draw the PE ship and this is one of my earliest attempts. I think it will fit in nicely with the overall theme of the piece.

The finished art I am hoping to be able to bring in to Photoshop and paint and color to better mimic the original movie poster but also some of the great painted images already produced for Futurama such as the Space Pilot 3000 giclee, the 2000 calendar and some of the box art for the direct to home movie releases. These are all great pieces and done extremely well and hope I can do half as good a job as those. I am not sure what the finished piece will be called but for now am calling it Targeet New New York. As I progress along I will share more sketches and progress along with the original movie poster that this is based upon.

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